The process
of creation

How We Create Amazing Products

Design thinking
agile approach
Lean Startup & Agile
Design thinking
agile approach
Lean Startup & Agile
Design thinking
agile approach
Lean Startup & Agile
Design thinking
agile approach
Lean Startup & Agile
We focus on shortening the iterative cycle, to learn faster, and reduce the cost and time to product-market fit.
Step 1
Step 1

Strategy & Discovery

Design thinking

Design thinking involves empathising with users, defining the problem, generating ideas, prototyping solutions, and tessting them. This user-centred process is essential in driving innovation, and creating products and services that meet users' needs.

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Diverging and converging when defining the problem and the solution allows us to adopt blue sky thinking, fully understand the space, and propose the best solution.
Step 2
Step 2



User experience is how a user interacts with the product. This discipline defines how the product works.


User interface is the visual design and layout of the product. The focus here is on how the product looks.
Step 3
Step 2

MVP build & Launch

MVP Build

We follow the Agile Scrum methodology when developing applications, which means we work through a prioritised backlog in 2-week Sprints. The application is built on scalable cloud infrastructure, using best practices to provide a strong foundation for faster iterations.


To prepare for an MVP launch, we help you define and install analytics to measure the performance of your product and gain user insights. We also align with your go-to-market strategy to ensure we can generate user activity and feedback to iterate from.
Step 4
Step 4

Iterate & improve


After releasing the MVP and gaining our first users and product analytics, we will begin the experimentation process. This involves creating a hypothesis and testing it through a Learn, Build, Measure cycle.

Roadmap development

As well as running experiments, there will be additional roadmap items that need to be developed. We provide continuous development of features that add value to end users.

Why do we use this approach?

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Value: High
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Risk: Minimum
Every startup has a vision, but it also faces numerous obstacles and assumptions that introduce risk. Our approach prioritises tackling the biggest assumptions first, thereby reducing your biggest risk and maximising the value at each iteration.

We have applied this process to help us launch early and iterate faster with all our partners

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